
144th and Convent Ave.

I'd like to visit the Royal Tenenbaum house next time my friend Dave comes to New York (maybe walk around for awhile, grab a sandwich.) He's a big Wes Anderson fan.
*I'm laughing at myself because I've been making this out in my head to be some crazy long journey but the reality is that its a 20 minute train ride. Sometimes New Yorkers view even the slightest travel from their "home" neighborhood as an epic Frodo-like haul. I have a friend on 22nd street on the westside. Another friend invited him up to a bar on 78th and Broadway. I googled the distance - 3.8 miles - his response "I don't know if I want to come ALL THE WAY UP THERE." The idea of distance is skewed in NY. Everything is closer. We live closer together in smaller apartments. We rub up against each other in packed subway cars. We even stand closer to each other in line at the deli. I guess distance is relative. Thanks Einstein.
I just don't want to look too obvious when visiting the house. I hate looking like a tourist. I'm weird that way. Certain people have no problem at all with looking like a tourist. I hate it. If there are a bunch of nerds with cameras taking pictures of the Tenenbaum house I'm going back downtown. Sorry Dave.


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